近年来主要围绕国际热核聚变实验堆(ITER)计划面临的关键性物理问题,即对磁流体不稳定性、运行极限和破裂(主要是撕裂模(包括新经典撕裂模)、电阻壁模、逃逸电子)、快粒子物理、磁流体不稳定性与快粒子的相互作用等方面进行了一定的研究。在Phys. Rev. Lett.等SCI刊物上发表论文二十多篇。主持过科技部国家磁约束专项项目、国家基金委项目等十多项。
(1) Huishan Cai, Shaojie Wang,Yinfeng Xu, Jintao Cao, Ding Li, Influence of energetic ions on tearing modes, Physical Review Letters, 2011.2.14, 106(7)
(2) Huishan Cai, Guoyong Fu, Hybrid simulation of energetic particle effects on tearing modes in tokamak plasmas, Physics of Plasmas, 2012.7.01, 19(7)
(3) Huishan Cai, Guoyong Fu, Influence of resistive internal kink on runaway current profile, Nuclear Fusion, 2015.2.01, 55(2)
(4) Huishan Cai, Jintao Cao, Ding Li, The influence of energetic ions on resistive wall mode in Reversed Field Pinch, Nuclear Fusion, 2014.2.26, 54(3): 2001~2005
(5) Huishan Cai, Ding Li, Jintao Cao, Influence of ion orbit width on onset threshold of neoclassical tearing modes, Physics of Plasmas, 2015.10.01, 22(10)
(6) Huishan Cai, Influence of energetic ions on neoclassical tearing modes, Nuclear Fusion, 2016.9.20, 56(12):126016
(7) Huishan Cai, Liang Lin, Weixing Ding, J. K. Anderson, D. L. Brower, Influence of energetic ions on tearing modes in a reversed field pinch, Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion, 2015.2.01, 57(2)
(8) Huishan Cai, Guoyong Fu, Liang Lin, D. Y. Liu, Weixing Ding, D. L. Brower, Y. J. Hu, Effects of pressure gradient on global Alfven eigenmodes in reversed field pinch, Physics of Plasmas, 2014.2.25, 21(02): 2513-1~2513-7
(9) Huishan Cai, Jintao Cao, Ding Li, Influence of toroidal rotation on tearing modes, Nuclear Fusion, 2017.2.10, 57(5): 056006
(10) Huishan Cai ; Jintao Cao, Influence of toroidal rotation on magnetic
islands in tokamaks, Nuclear Fusion, 2018.1.18,58:036008
(11)Jintao Cao, Huishan Cai*, Resistive magnetohydrodynamics with
toroidal rotation in toroidal plasmas, Physics of Plasmas, 2018.1.30, 25(1):012515
(12) Huishan Cai, A mechanism of neoclassical tearing modes onset by drift wave turbulence, Nuclear Fusion 59, 026009 (2019)
(13) Huishan Cai, Xiankang Dou, Ding Li, The nonlinear evolution of tearing mode with electron viscosity in electron magnetohydrodynamics, Physics of Plasmas, 2010.3.01, 17(3)
(14) Huishan Cai, Ding Li, Magnetic reconnection with pressure tensor in electron magnetohydrodynamics, Physics of Plasmas, 2009.5.01, 16(5)
(15) Huishan Cai, Ding Li, Tearing mode with guide field gradient in electron magnetohydrodynamics, Physics of Plasmas, 2009.2.01, 16(2)
(16) Huishan Cai, Ding Li, Jian Zheng, Tearing modes with pressure gradient effect in pair plasmas, Physics of Plasmas, 2009.4.01, 16(4)
(17) Huishan Cai, Ding Li, Magnetic reconnection with pressure gradient effect in compressible electron magnetohydrodynamics, Physics of Plasmas, 2008.4.01, 15(4)
(19) Xiang Jiang, Li Ding, Huishan Cai, The Modified Friction Diffusion Coefficients of Fokker-Planck Equation and Relaxation Rates for Non-Maxwellian Scattering, Plasma Science and Technology, 2008.12.01, 10(6): 661~670
(20) Dong Chao, Ren Haijun, Cai Huishan, Li Ding, Temperature relaxation in a magnetized plasma, Physics of Plasmas, 2013.10.30, 20(10):102518
(21) Dong Chao, Ren, Haijun, Cai Huishan, Li Ding, Effects of magnetic field on anisotropic temperature relaxation, Physics of Plasmas, 2013.3.01, 20(3): 1~11
(22) Hu, Youjun, Li Guoqiang, Gorelenkov, N. N., Yang Wenjun, Cai Huishan, Zhou Deng, Ren Qilong, Numerical study of Alfven eigenmodes in the Experimental Advanced Superconducting Tokamak, Physics of Plasmas, 2014.5.01, 21(5)
(23) Gao Xiang, Li Guoqiang, Zhang Tao, Yang Yao, Gong Xianzu, Liu Zixi, Ren Qilong, Liu Haiqing, Zeng Long, Yu Yaowei, Liu Shaocheng, Liu Xiaoju, Zhang Shoubiao, Cai Huishan, Wu Xuemei, Li Jiangang, Long Pulse H-Mode Scenarios Sustained by RF Heating on EAST, Plasma Science and Technology, 2015.6.01, 17(6): 448~453