邮件:shiyin[AT]ustc[dot]edu[dot]cn (Please replace [AT] and [dot] with the symbols)
个人简历 / Personal resume
2006.09-2010.09 华中科技大学,光电子科学与工程学院,工学学士。
2010.09-2015.07 中国科学院上海光学精密机械研究所,光学,博士。
2015.07-2016.04 中国科学院上海光学精密机械研究所, 强场激光物理国家重点实验室,助理研究员。
2016.04-2018.04 英国伦敦帝国理工学院,访问研究员(Royal Society Newton International Fellowship)。
2018.04-2020.10 美国加州大学圣迭戈分校,博士后。
2020.11-2024.01. 中国科学技术大学等离子体物理与聚变工程系, 特任研究员。
2024.02-至今 中国科学技术大学等离子体物理与聚变工程系, 特任教授。
研究方向和团队/ Research direction and Team
可参考《强场激光物理》,沈百飞,2023科学出版社和微信公共号文章:书评 | 《强场激光物理》——超强激光物理的一份“曲面的地图” (qq.com)。
团队在Physical Review Letters, High Power Laser Science and Engineering, New Journal of Physics等国际学术期刊上发表论文多篇,并担任其中多个期刊的审稿人。团队与国内外各大高校和实验室(SIOM, UCSD, Imperial College London等)建立有合作关系。
详细可见个人主页 http://faculty.ustc.edu.cn/shiyin/zh_CN/index.htm
Yin Shi*, Xiaomei Zhang, Alexey Arefiev, Baifei Shen*, “Advances in laser-plasma interactions using intense vortex laser beams” SCIENCE CHINA Physics, Mechanics & Astronomy (2024) 邀请综述
激光评论报道 中科大、上师大、美国UCSD合作发表强涡旋光激光等离子体物理综述 (qq.com)
Jue Xuan Hao, Xiang Tang, Alexey Arefiev, Robert J. Kingham, Ping Zhu, Yin Shi*, and Jian Zheng, “Generation of 10 kT axial magnetic fields using multiple conventional laser beams: A sensitivity study for kJ PW-class laser facilities,” Matter Radiat. Extremes10, 017201 (2025).
Xiang Tang, Jue Xuan Hao, and Yin Shi*, “Electron injection and acceleration in twisted laser driven by light fan,” High Power Laser Science and Engineering12 (2024 Accept).
Yin Shi*, Alexey Arefiev, Jue Xuan Hao, and Jian Zheng, “Efficient generation of axial magnetic field by multiple laser beams with twisted pointing directions”, Physical Review Letters, 130, 155101(2023).
激光评论报道 前沿进展 | 多束激光驱动产生万特斯拉级轴向磁场 (qq.com)
中国科大提出万特斯拉级轴向磁场产生的新方案 (ustc.edu.cn)
Yin Shi*, D. Blackman, D. Stutman, and A. Arefiev*, “Generation of Ultrarelativistic Monoenergetic Electron Bunches via a Synergistic Interaction of Longitudinal Electric and Magnetic Fields of a Twisted Laser”, Physical Review Letters 126, 234801 (2021).
Yin Shi*, David R Blackman and Alexey Arefiev*, “Electron acceleration using twisted laser wavefronts”,Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion 63 125032(2021)
Yin Shi*, David R Blackman and Alexey Arefiev*, “Electron pulse train accelerated by a linearly polarized Laguerre–Gaussian laser beam”,High Power Laser Science and Engineering, 10, e45(2022) (封面文章)
激光评论报道 中科大:线偏振涡旋光驱动得到电子脉冲链 (qq.com)
Yin Shi*, Jorge Vieira, Raoul Trines, Bob Bingham,Baifei Shen, Robert Kingham, “Magnetic Field Generation in Plasma Waves Driven by Copropagating Intense Twisted Lasers”, Physical Review Letters 121, 145002 (2018).
Yin. Shi, K. Weichman, R. J. Kingham, A. V. Arefiev*, “Magnetic field amplification in a laser-irradiated thin foil by return current electrons carrying orbital angular momentum “, New Journal of Physics. 22, 073067 (2020).
Yin Shi, Baifei Shen*, et al. "Light fan driven by relativistic laser pulse", Physical Review Letters, 112, 235001 (2014).Reported in phys.org and Research Highlights of Nature Photonics.
Also reported by Science Foundation in China under the National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) in Vol.22, No.2, 2014.
Yin Shi, Baifei Shen*, et al. "Ultra-bright, ultra-broadband hard x-ray driven by laser-produced energetic electron beams",Physics of Plasmas, 20, 093102 (2013).
Xiaomei Zhang, Baifei Shen, Yin Shi et al. “Generation of Intense High-Order Vortex Harmonics”, Physical Review Letters, 114, 173901 (2015).
Reported in Research Highlights of Nature Photonics.