核医学物理研究所共提交14篇摘要,涵盖了放射治疗剂量计算、治疗计划与验证、自适应放射治疗、质量保证、核素治疗和CT成像剂量学等多个方面,包括5个口头报告和9个海报,其中研究“Preliminary demonstration of real-time Monte Carlo multi-particle dose engine through AI-based denoising and GPU dose simulation for radiotherapy planning and verification”入围“James R. Cameron Early-Career Investigator Symposium (ECIS)”最佳论文,将在会议期间与其他优秀论文比赛。这些成绩表明团队在医学物理领域研究的水平得到世界同行的认可。
入选类别 | 论文题目 | 作者 |
JOHN R. CAMERON EARLY-CAREER INVESTIGATOR SYMPOSIUM FINALIST ORAL PRESENTATION | Preliminary demonstration of real-time Monte Carlo multi-particle dose engine through AI-based denoising and GPU dose simulation for radiotherapy planning and verification | Chang YK, Wang XH, Wang RP, Li SJ, Wu J, Cheng B, Ye ZR, Pei X, Zhao JF, Xu XG. |
ORAL PRESENTATION in the Scientific Session Adaptive Radiotherapy | A prior-information-based automatic segmentation method for the clinical target volume in adaptive radiotherapy | Wang XH, Chang YK, Pei X, Xu XG. |
ORAL PRESENTATION in the Scientific Session Advances in Therapy QA and Delivery Verification | A Monte Carlo-based in-vivo QA method with EPID transit dosimetry | Cheng B, Zhang K, Gao N, Ren Q, Li SJ, Pei X, Wu XY, Xu XG. |
SNAP ORAL PRESENTATION in the session Dosimetry | CT Organ Doses for 10,000 Subjects Using Automatic Multiorgan Segmentation and Real-Time Monte Carlo Dose Computing | Ye ZR, Yao B, Zheng HR, Tao L, Wang RP, Chang YK, Pei X, Chen Z, Xu XG. |
SNAP ORAL PRESENTATION in the session Advances in Dosimetry | A Novel Flexible Scintillator Dosimeter for High-Energy Radiotherapy: Fabrication and Characterization | Gao N, Tang YJ, Huang ZM, Zhang SY, Zhou JP, Zhang YR, Chang YK, Pei X, Zhu BW, Xiao ZG, Xu XG. |
General Poster Discussion (Group A) | Rigid registration guided two-stage auto-segmentation method for clinical target volume of cervical cancer in adaptive radiotherapy | Chang YK, Wang XH, Pei X, Xu XG. |
General Poster Discussion (Group B) | Clinical Intra-fractional Evaluation of CBCT guided online adaptive radiotherapy for cervical cancer | Chang YK, Xu XG, Pei X, Wang GY, Wang XH. |
BLUE RIBBON POSTER PRESENTATION | Using real time Monte Carlo dose computing and EPID data to reconstruct patient 3D dose distributions for radiotherapy QA | Gao N, Cheng B, Wang Z, Li DD, Chang YK, Pei X, Xu XG. |
General Poster Discussion (Group A) | A Fast and Accurate Monte Carlo Dose Engine for Helium Ion Therapy | Li SJ, Gao N, Cheng B, Liu JY, Chang YK, Pei X, Xu XG. |
General Poster Discussion (Group A) | A Novel Real-Time Monte Carlo Engine for Proton Therapy with Simulation Time Less than 0.2 Seconds | Li SJ, Zhao JF, Wang XH, Wang RP, Chang YK, Pei X, Xu XG. |
General Poster Discussion (Group A) | Monte Carlo Study of a New Beta Emitter Skin Conformal Brachytherapy Applicator: Effects of Geometric Setups of Multiwell Applicator on Dose Distribution | Liu JY, Zhang H, Chang YK, Pei X, Xu XG. |
General Poster Discussion (Group B) | A GPU-Accelerated Monte Carlo Method for BNCT Dose Calculations | Wang YX, Li SJ, Wu J, Ye ZR, Tao L, Pei X, Xu XG. |
GENERAL POSTER VIEWING PRESENTATION in the Therapy General Poster Viewing | GPU-accelerated Monte Carlo study of the Application of the Novel Superficial X-Ray Radiotherapy Filters | Zhang H, Tao L, Chang YK, Pei X, Xu XG. |
GENERAL POSTER VIEWING PRESENTATION in the Therapy General Poster Viewing | An automatic iterative commissioning method based on LINAC virtual source model for Monte Carlo dose verification | Cheng B, Li SJ, Pei X, Ye ZR, Ren Q, Xu XG. |