


核医学物理研究所共提交14篇摘要,涵盖了放射治疗剂量计算、治疗计划与验证、自适应放射治疗、质量保证、核素治疗和CT成像剂量学等多个方面,包括5个口头报告和9个海报,其中研究Preliminary demonstration of real-time Monte Carlo multi-particle dose engine through AI-based denoising and GPU dose simulation for radiotherapy planning and verification入围James R. Cameron Early-Career Investigator Symposium (ECIS)”最佳论文,将在会议期间与其他优秀论文比赛。这些成绩表明团队在医学物理领域研究的水平得到世界同行的认可。






Preliminary demonstration of real-time   Monte Carlo multi-particle dose engine through AI-based denoising and GPU   dose simulation for radiotherapy planning and verification

Chang YK, Wang XH, Wang RP, Li SJ, Wu J, Cheng B, Ye ZR, Pei X, Zhao JF, Xu XG.

ORAL PRESENTATION in the Scientific   Session Adaptive Radiotherapy

A prior-information-based automatic   segmentation method for the clinical target volume in adaptive radiotherapy

Wang XH, Chang YK, Pei X, Xu XG.

ORAL PRESENTATION in the Scientific   Session Advances in Therapy QA and Delivery Verification

A Monte Carlo-based in-vivo QA method   with EPID transit dosimetry

Cheng B, Zhang K, Gao N, Ren Q, Li SJ, Pei X, Wu XY, Xu XG.

SNAP ORAL PRESENTATION in the session   Dosimetry

CT Organ Doses for 10,000 Subjects Using   Automatic Multiorgan Segmentation and Real-Time Monte Carlo Dose Computing

Ye ZR, Yao B, Zheng HR, Tao L, Wang RP, Chang YK, Pei X, Chen Z, Xu XG.

SNAP ORAL PRESENTATION in the session   Advances in Dosimetry

A Novel Flexible Scintillator Dosimeter   for High-Energy Radiotherapy: Fabrication and Characterization

Gao N, Tang YJ, Huang ZM, Zhang SY, Zhou JP, Zhang YR, Chang YK, Pei X, Zhu BW, Xiao ZG, Xu XG.

General Poster Discussion (Group A)

Rigid registration guided two-stage   auto-segmentation method for clinical target volume of cervical cancer in   adaptive radiotherapy

Chang YK, Wang XH, Pei X, Xu XG.

General Poster Discussion (Group B)

Clinical Intra-fractional Evaluation of   CBCT guided online adaptive radiotherapy for cervical cancer

Chang YK, Xu XG, Pei X, Wang GY, Wang XH.


Using real time Monte Carlo dose   computing and EPID data to reconstruct patient 3D dose distributions for   radiotherapy QA

Gao N, Cheng B, Wang Z, Li DD, Chang YK, Pei X, Xu XG.

General Poster Discussion (Group A)

A Fast and Accurate Monte Carlo Dose   Engine for Helium Ion Therapy

Li SJ, Gao N, Cheng B, Liu JY, Chang YK, Pei X, Xu XG.

General Poster Discussion (Group A)

A Novel Real-Time Monte Carlo Engine for   Proton Therapy with Simulation Time Less than 0.2 Seconds

Li SJ, Zhao JF, Wang XH, Wang RP, Chang YK, Pei X, Xu XG.

General Poster Discussion (Group A)

Monte Carlo Study of a New Beta Emitter   Skin Conformal Brachytherapy Applicator: Effects of Geometric Setups of   Multiwell Applicator on Dose Distribution

Liu JY, Zhang H, Chang YK, Pei X, Xu XG.

General Poster Discussion (Group B)

A GPU-Accelerated Monte Carlo Method for   BNCT Dose Calculations

Wang YX, Li SJ, Wu J, Ye ZR, Tao L, Pei X, Xu XG. 

GENERAL POSTER VIEWING PRESENTATION in   the Therapy General Poster Viewing

GPU-accelerated Monte Carlo study of the   Application of the Novel Superficial X-Ray Radiotherapy Filters

Zhang H, Tao L, Chang YK, Pei X, Xu XG.

GENERAL POSTER VIEWING PRESENTATION in   the Therapy General Poster Viewing

An automatic iterative commissioning   method based on LINAC virtual source model for Monte Carlo dose verification

Cheng B, Li SJ, Pei X, Ye ZR, Ren Q, Xu XG. 
