

2012年9月24-28日,受第二十七届核聚变技术国际组织会研讨会邀请,万元熙院士在比利时作题为“Overview of the Fusion Roadmaps in the world”的报告。



The objective of the Symposium on Fusion Technology (SOFT) is to exchange information on design, construction and operation of fusion experiments and on the technology for present fusion machines, the next step and future power plants. With the construction of ITER now starting, fusion research is making a big step forward. ITER, with its demanding requirements, is expected to be a major topic on this symposium. SOFT includes oral and poster presentations as well as an industrial and R&D exhibition.

The expected attendance is up to 1,000 delegates from all over the world, active in university and research laboratories on subjects dealing with fusion devices, especially with the construction of ITER, as well as in industrial manufacturing. Scientists, engineers, developers, users and students are offered an opportunity to exchange views, visions and experience and to establish fruitful business contacts.

SOFT 2012-Talk- Wan-v5.pdf