2013年1月17日 Prof. Yamada Shuichi学术报告:Synergistic effect of hydrogen fuel production in a fusion energy reactor


报告专家:Prof. Yamada Shuichi

专家单位:National Institute for Fusion Science, Japan

报告题目:Synergistic effect of hydrogen fuel production in a fusion energy reactor




报告人简介:Prof. Yamada is a well-known and much-respected figure in the field of cryogenic and superconducting engineering application for fusion science in Japan and abroad. He has successfully accomplished the superconducting transfer line system which is the life-line of LHD fusion machine. He is the key coordinators and pushers of the Core University Program (CUP) under the auspices of Japanese Society of Promotion of Science (JSPS) and Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS). The CUP of JSPS-CAS aims at discussing future prospects of China-Japan collaborations in plasma and nuclear fusion research.